Sunday: Beardy Guys

We were a little awake in the night but then promptly feel asleep until just after 1100. We're normally early birds so I think we may have cracked the jet lag.

It was a bit cooler and rainy today so quite nice for wandering around. We had a good walk around town, reacquainting ourself with the city.

Tonight we headed over to Zlatko and Tomislav's to see all our Croatian friends. It was like no time at all had passed - we had a great time. Tomislav made what was probably the best dessert I have ever had - a honeycomb ice cream. I'm now determined to master it too.

We had an early start the next morning so we were determined not to have too much to drink or be back in our apartment too late. If I tell you that we got home at 0400 and had to be up at 0730 you can judge for yourself how well that went........

Here you have Zlatko, Danko and Tomislav - all sporting various stages of beards.

I've added a few pictures from our wanderings in extras.

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