James, splashing stick and wizard

We had the boys out to the woods to help cut an overgrown path. They had a go with the loppers and secateurs.

Then they helped Grandad dig potatoes and after lunch we went to Cragside. It was so busy that it had been closed as the car parks were all full. Luckily we got in and headed for the trim trail where they had a go on most of the stuff, before we went into the labyrinth. They were getting a bit tired till they found this puddle and some sticks to bash with. They are not into wizards yet so he had no appeal.

James has gone home with his parents, and Thomas is staying for a couple of nights. I’ve been given the task of helping him with his holiday diary. We have printed off some pictures and he is sticking them in and writing a sentence about what he did. It is a tortuous process. He’s not very keen on reading and writing, but apparently he is where he should be for his age.

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