
A friend sold us an old go-kart minus a pedal, so Mr C finally made one to put on and Ella and Nathaniel played with it before their cousins arrived.

I didn't choose the photos I took of them on the go-kart though as I liked the one of #2 daughter's husband cutting the plywood we were giving him, so that he could get it in his car. Thomas and Ella were very interesting, while Nathaniel and James played with a pile of bricks.

After lunch they played hide and seek in the woods, then the younger two helped dig up some potatoes, then played with trowels in the raised bed till they started throwing soil about.

Then we all went out to have a go on the go-kart, even #2 daughter who'd run 11 miles this morning. She was disappointed as one leg got sore and she found it a bit of a struggle. She's got the Great North Run, a half marathon, in 2 weeks. I'm sure she'll finish but she wants to do a good time and she's never been in a big event before.

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