and through the wire...

By hesscat

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da

... by Marmalade (originally recorded by The Beatles)... is probably the first song I heard, that I can remember, by a Scottish Pop Band. I think I remember from an 8-track cartridge we had, although I am not sure I was aware they were Scottish at the time.

I was on holiday today... Bank Holiday.. Mrs C had a half day so we could go to see the Rip It Up exhibition in the National Museum of Scotland (on until November). It charted the history of Scottish pop music from the 1950s through to the present day.

I reckon I was 14 when the Skids hit the charts big time and being from my home town was quite exciting! We've both enjoyed Scottish pop music over the following almost 40 years... some I still enjoy, some I'd be happy to forget, but most take us back to different chapters of our lives. I don't recall actively seeking out Scottish artists, but maybe it resonated more because they were. Some of my favourite music and bands are Scottish...

So coming to the blip... the last thing I was expecting to see was this fence... it is the fence from King Creosote's 2005 album and my first introduction to his music which I have loved every since.  We spent 2 hours in the exhibition and could have stayed longer... pretty much all the bands we followed had their own display of memorabilia, except The Blue Nile and Love & Money. They were both acknowledged, but maybe there was just not any items to show... which was disappointing given The Herald's readers voted TBN's album Hats their favourite Scottish album ever.

We had a busy day.... as we had a show later and had a few hours to kill, we went to see BlackKKlansman, a comedy drama film of an undercover African-American cop infiltrating the Klu Klux Klan. It was very funny and incredible story and I was shocked that it is a true story and then reduced to tears at the film's ending with documentary footage of the KKK protests last year followed by Trump's comments after the events... I wasn't expecting an ending like that... America First... a KKK saying from the 1920s! Progress eh...

We then had a walk and some food to recover from that before seeing Jack Docherty's show in his Scottish Police Chief TV role. On our way back to the car people were swinging fireballs around their heads... in the extra!

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