and through the wire...

By hesscat

Belly Ache

Ms H was away to work today but it's her last time working on a Sunday. I had another day in the loft... well, afternoon. I'm making good progress, this is the difficult stage, insulation between the rafters and other stages will be easier, plus I am getting better at doing the difficult stage! I did spend 30 minutes in one of the most inaccessible places of the house, in the eaves behind the water tanks, putting flooring boards in before I shut off the eaves. Having done the same in the eaves in the already converted parts of the house, I know one day I'll be glad I am making the inaccessible accessible! I'm always surprised the positions I am still able to get into... and out of!!

In the evening we headed back into the town to meet Ms H for Jason Byrne's show... his last for this year's Fringe. We must have seen him the first time some 20 or so years ago when he was just manic and maybe one time since. He wasn't quite as manic, but was just as quick witted... he must have spent about 20 minutes talking with audience members, obviously off the cuff and it was just hilarious... that always impresses me! Oh how I laughed... Mrs C and my friend Ms H laughed lots too.

The blip is of Bristo Square which really feels like the centre of the fringe now.

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