
Mystery1 - what is this, no need to identify the brand of the issuer.

Mystery 2 - this morning on my Bank Statement there was an unknown Direct Debit for £350 charge to my account by another Bank.

9:30  Went into my Branch.   Their service could not have been better.  The DD was from a customer of another bank, a lady in Oxfordshire, paying her credit card bill wth a DD on my account.  My assistant spoke to my Bank Fraud department.  They gave advice and said he should speak to the Credit Card team at the other Bank.   He did.  Waste of space.  No they could not contact their own customer to ask her to check her payment authority - because of Data Protection!     

Eh, can someone explain that to me - because it makes no sense that I can see.

So fraud, or genuine error?   Who knows?   Anyway, the DD was immediately cancelled off my account, and by 4 o'clock £350 was returned to my funds.

Well done my bank!   Disgraceful uninterested approach by the other one.  

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