Exceedingly Tiny
This is such a fun time of year with so many tiny things to see, like this little male Zabulon Skipper. He would fit very neatly on an American quarter with room to spare. Given his diminutive size, I thought he'd make a good TinyTuesday entry - thanks Osuzanna for hosting this month!
It is wickedly hot today with humidity to match, so my trips outside have been brief. Turns out that it really isn't all that much fun to be hunkered down in the garden under blazing sun with sweat trickling pouring down one's back. Much nicer inside where the AC is keeping things very pleasant. And, truth be told, I've got some paperwork to catch up on.
Did I mention that I am positively loving my new work space overlooking the garden? A quick glance out the window and I see two finches in the birdbath, a blue jay in the feeder, several big butterflies floating by, goldfinches in the sunflowers and hummingbirds roaring all over the place. Yep, I love my new space.
Next month I'll be hosting TinyTuesday, which I'm looking forward to very much. It is always great fun seeing all the wonderful entries. I believe Suzanne and Jen are still looking for a host for October so if you have been waiting for just the right opportunity to step up, now is the perfect time!
Cheers, people.
PS: Monarch # 113 released today. And I still have lots of room on my list for dedications, so don't hesitate to message or email me.
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