
By Beewriter


We were working at the fire station today and I couldn’t resist a little photo with the cars they use for training on. I sent the pic to my manager, Karen, saying....I’ve had another shit day today! She sent a reply saying she did have a second of panic before laughing lol.

Jess took my staples out when we had set up. It was painful, but she was very gentle. It is healing well and I am stocked up on paracetamol now for next week. Most of the team gathered round like vultures to watch and Janet videoed it....well she thought she had but when she tried to view it it sadly hadn’t recorded :(

They wouldn’t let me do anything other than health check and on the computer. Whenever I tried to do anything there was a voice from one of them....Belinda! Stop that now! Lol

Well, we finished early. I’ve sorted the last of my packing and I think I’m all ready to go now. A quick few hours then I’m being picked up at 5am. Hurrah for holidays!

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