A Comb Over

A comb over- the railings, as it were!
A present from EcoDad both for the taste buds and the blip entry, with the title thrown in for good measure. All before 9am too! Thank you EcoDad, you’re my man!

It was a lovely day as His Lordship and I paid a visit to Bruntsfield and the Costa café before I got the afternoon off to avail myself of a ‘use by 31stAugust’ John Lewis coupon for a free cake and coffee. It would have been a sin to miss out and it was my reward for braving the town to pick up HL’s order from M&S while he entertained his daughter at home.

For the record I had an enormous slice of lemon meringue pie and a cup of hot chocolate and I didn’t have to share anything with any one for a change!

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