The Three Masked Zebras
On my way back from the garden centre this morning I stopped the car on a very tiny, single track, immaculately surfaced lane outside Worrall, which no doubt had been resurfaced for the Tour de France a few years ago. It was such a beautiful morning and I wanted to capture a memory of the landscape while I was up on one of the higher hills. Having taken a few photos I was just about to drive off when I glanced to my left and saw the three masked `raiders’ standing in a row on the brow of the hill staring down me. Well by the time I’d got my phone and got out of the car they were feigning disinterest, especially as I did not have food! So I went on my way. I had to make a detour to the garden centre as the road into Sheffield was closed in Deepcar, so I ended up travelling through some of the very best scenery in South Yorkshire, probably in the UK, though I guess there would be many claims to that title. Anyway it was stunning seeing the blue sky and the valleys down below. And my trip to the garden centre was quite an expensive success. I chose the plants that the butterflies and insects were choosing, with a few exceptions to provide a bit of contrasting colour. They will go in my newly constructed flowerbed when it is finished this week. (A blip will no doubt follow.)
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