The taper

Twenty-one more miles in my legs, this morning. Much, much better than last week, thankfully. In fact, for the last couple of miles my legs seemed to be picking up again. 

I popped a post-run selfie onto Instagram and my friend (and experienced marathon runner) Charlotte commented "Brilliant! Not long until the taper?".  A little bit of chat with her and some Googling about later and I realised that I only need to do one more long run, which will be next Sunday. 

After that, my two remaining Sunday runs will consist of a half-marathon and a ten mile run, which is is actually quite a relief. 

In the afternoon, I went home do a bit of domestic stuff and then in the evening Dan and I met up with the Minx and miniMinx at the Vue in Preston to see 'Ant-man And The Wasp', which was brilliant. Paul Rudd is fantastic in the lead role and the writing is first class. Marvel get it so right that I feel sorry for DC (who get it so wrong).

-12.4 kgs
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Reading: 'Vinegar Girl' by Anne Tyler.

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