
By Madchickenwoman

Magical Web

Lucky I spotted this cobweb across the path on my allotment and didn't walk through it! It had obviously been freshly made and it seemed a shame to destroy the poor spiders work - so I photographed it instead and took another route onto my allotment! 
I had done the usual open and clean of the coop and given Amy, Gerda and Penny their cuddle. The three of them are always the first to greet me and they go into a submissive pose at my feet which seems to be the hen sign for cuddle me! 
I spent the morning digging up my potatoes - what a bumper crop! Many of them absolute whoppers! A few plants had succumbed to blight so there was a tidy number left on the ground to rot, but I was happy with what I did get. I spread them out on some cardboard to harden their skins in the sun. It was a beautiful, clear blue sky and hot! I did my favourite sound meditation on the plot then gathered some beans and flowers. As I was doing this I spotted several copper butterflies on my verbena - such pretty little butterflies!  I checked the butternut squash - oh dear me they are even bigger and still green! It's the first year I have grown them but looking at my Fodmap I found they contain high amounts of the sugars Oligos and Polyols and only a 1/4 of a cup can be tolerated! Good job they last several months! Hopefully my IBS will have settled in that amount of time!
Home to eat and sit quietly in the sun as my second load of washing dried on the line. Come hen bedtime I gathered my potatoes into sacks and took them one at a time to the boot of my car! Now I just have to find a place to store them! I'm going to have to add some kitchen cupboards to the list of places to space clear! 

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