Leaving Oban

Today's the day ………………………. to set sail

It has been too long since we've been on a western isle - so today, we set off on the Caledonian MacBraynes' ferry 'The Isle of Mull'  from Oban to Craignure.

The crossing takes less than an hour, so there's not enough time to be seasick.  In any case, you are not really on the high seas but more just hopping across from the mainland to the Isle of Mull - and sheltered by it at all times.  The sun shone on us from a mackerel sky and the views were stunning in all directions.

So we're here on Mull for nearly a week in a Fisherman's Bothy, perfect for just the two of us - and right on the beach.  Hopefully lots of wildlife to see and lots of views for Will to paint.

We'll keep you posted …………………….. 

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