And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Honesty is......

First of all you will recognise this and this. I took Ash out this morning and its all I could muster.

down to business, im low really low at the moment have most of you have noticed so much so im thinking of quitting blip, I quit my voluntary job last week and im dreading seeing jayne and telling her ;( but I just couldn't face it. Every thing is so hard at the moment, the littlest jobs are so difficult everything is a chore and I mean everything. I feel like my blips are always depressing I have good intentions to do a positive blip but it always ends up the same, and I think you must be sick of me. I just needed to say what I felt. There is a positive I have met a lovely world of friends and I have stuck to it for along time now, this is unusual for me as I normally last a matter of weeks at new things. Another bonus is it gets me out most days and friends family have seen a difference in me. Hope your all ok and thanks

love c x x x

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