
By SweetArt

One Special Guitar

I've finally changed the strings on my guitar, LONG overdue!!! Sounds a bit tin-ny but will get better.

I wanted to introduce you to my beautiful guitar which I happened to come upon on our on line forum where DB residents can buy and sell stuff. The lady who sold this guitar to us had no idea what a treasure she had - her daughter was given this signed guitar when she was at a Bon Jovi concert .... and didn't really care for it, so 5 yrs later, was selling it! It had been sitting in her store room, she was moving house and wanted to get rid of it. The mind boggles!!! Anyway, along come us and thought we'd better buy it before she changes her mind and raises the price cause we couldn't believe our luck. This is an acoustic electric guitar and one I'd wanted for AGES! We got it for the handsome sum of £70!!!! UNBELIEVABLE. Even a brand new one is about 4x that price. It could have sold on eBay for $$$$$.

After I started playing it in church, people actually said I was sounding much better?!! LOL

It's a thing of beauty and I really enjoy playing it.

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