CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Coastal Walk - Wormit to Balmerino

A beautiful, warm sunny day

Since the weather was so nice and, being determined to build on the walk I had done on the Kiltwalk, we set off for Wormit Bay so that we could complete the stretch of the Fife Coastal Path from Wormit to Balmerino. This would involve a round trip of 5 and a half miles. The guide advice was that there were some steep sections but not to be frightened off by this. Well, there were more than a few very steep sections, up and down, which were certainly challenging for my heart and dodgy knees and hips. Still, the views were magnificent across the River Tay to the hills on the north side of the River. 

We reached Balmerino Abbey where we had a welcome picnic lunch in a real suntrap. The grounds had a real sense of peace, even though it has been many years since the Abbey was occupied. Having been rested we set off for the return walk, which seemed to be even more challenging, but gave is a real sense of satisfaction that we had completed the walk.

By the way, the amazing Fountain is actually in Newport but I just love its colours and its setting, looking over the river.

If you would like to see some of the beautiful views you may like to head over to my Flikr Album

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