Big horse

Another cock up over booking meant Eva ended up with a great big pony again for her lesson. Luckily he is a gentle giant. Obviously he can't feel her little legs that don't even come past the saddle flap but she had a whip as back up. Last time she had this pony, he kept pulling his head down but today I told her to give him a kick when he does that and she sorted him out and even got him cantering. She's doing ever so well bless her. But to be honest if she keeps getting these big horses I may as well put her on Buddy. The whole point of forking out for lessons is that she's learning on something she can successfully control herself.

I had a busy day at the yard with new shoes for the boys first thing then managed to ride them both. Took lime round the woods whilst buddy was having his shoes, (beauty of having a stable now) then I took Buddy in the school. Trying to work on where we left off after last lesson but it doesn't seem to all fit into place when Ruth isn't there!

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