New Dress

3years 28days

Katie's Christmas dress arrived to us yesterday. I liked it when I ordered it. I loved it when it arrived. The photos dont do it justice. The little black flowers are velour, the net under the skirt is so stiff it looks wonderful. And the whole combination just made Katie twirl. She knows its away til Christmas now, but that was made better by the fact that the same parcel brought with it a tutu outfit for general partywearing. She also tried on her costume for her ballet school Christmas party - a fabulous (99p ebay) outfit of a royal purple velvet skirted leotard tripped with gorgeous festive fluffyness. Cue more twirling.

After lunch, she was beginning to get a little niggly. Something she only really does if she's tired. I asked her if she perhaps needed a bit of a sleep. She laid down on the floor where she was and went to sleep. I had to wake her after 90minutes so we'll see how the rest of the day goes.

Mid afternoon, Katie got her first chance to wear the new tutu party outfit and was very excited. We were collected by friends and went to her friend Grace's 4th birthday party at the play centre. They had a long play, a good nosh, a happy party all round.

After the party, we went back to our friends' house and Katie played with Lydi and Ellie for a bit. Their parents have lent us a bike and kindly donated their bike seat for Katie. Which is exactly the one that I insist on us having for Katie, because they bought it on our recommendation a while ago. We rode it home and are very grateful.

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