Children In Need

2years 28days

Katie's had a brilliant day today. We had a lot of fun taking it very steady this morning, pottering round at home and not having to be out the house before daylight. We played in the garden in pyjamas - the novelty has definitely not worn off in the week we've been here. She played for ages with her friends ("everybody" she calls them, and gets upset if any of everybody gets taken upstairs, she has a specific collection who must all be present and correct and knows if someone is missing!) We did a couple of jobs at the post office, and she blagged a lollipop.

We then had a lovely time at the playcentre at gymnastics - as we arrived, so was her little friend Lydia from nursery/church, which meant we both had a friend! After about 45 minutes, another friend arrived, with baby Noah, so they were all happy. She was very desperate to go upstairs to nastics though.

She enjoyed her lesson today, although the apparatus course, she did it all once, then there was 1/4 that she did over and over (tunnels then 2benches leading up to the trampette) then one more once round. After last week's attempt at change, they immediately did their dancing straight after the apparatus. Lots of beanbag games today, then the parachute. Then Katie's favourite bit - the bars. As her teacher said "its time to go on the bars" Katie set off at a run across the gym, grinning.

About five minutes before the end, she declared she'd had enough, so I started getting her changed for nursery. Of course, as soon as she was totally changed, she wanted to go back on the bars, which everyone else had finished. So there Katie went, in her fleecy sleepsuit and fluffy dinosaur dressing gown, swinging away with a beam on her face!

She was a really good girl at nursery, ate double helpings of lunch when she arrived then went and then spent a long time in preschool. They did baking, practised their Christmas songs, and apparently she kept saying "Jingle bells more more!" When I arrived, she was snuggled in to one of the girls, which was really so lovely to see.

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