Life In Wales

By KarenC

Brussels Skyline

We had a very lazy start to the day today, and didn't get up until about 10.30am! It was raining quite heavily and there was no way we could go out for a walk, so we decided to drive into Brussels to go and visit the War Museum.

A friend had recommended it to me and although it's not really my kind of thing, I knew that Alan would like it, and it was FREE to visit! But I was actually really surprised, it's an amazing museum and they have a huge collection of war artificats dating back to the Battle of Waterloo, a room full of Planes and outside there are Tanks. There's even a bunker where planes fly over you and drop bombs - it's very realistic!

But for me, the best bit was walking up hundreds of spiral steps to the roof where there was an amazing view over Brussels. It was fantastic, and as we didn't arrive until this afternoon, the sun was just starting to set by the time we were on the roof. Out of all my shots, I particularly like this one of the Angel with the city in the background.

Anyway, the dinner is cooking and the F1 has just started - it looks like an exciting race, so I'll go and watch it and hope you have a nice evening.

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