
By zippyhippy

A bit of Maintenance!

Considering doing a bit of my own maintenace on my bike but going to practice first and foremost on my left out in the rain for a couple of years ebay bike. First job stripping down the rear mech! Going to tackle it next week so reading up on it over dinner

Rode my first RPM in a fortnight this morning and boy was I glad to be back in the saddle. We are at the mixing stage where instructors are free to add there own individual stamp to the class. Today's mix has to be one of the hardest that I have ever done. Normally my heart is willing and my legs struggle to keep up but today was the opposite, the legs felt that they could peddle forever but I was struggling to catch my breath and keep my heart rate from snowballing!

A wee throw away comment on my facebook got me thinking this morning. Somebody p0sted that I must have a brilliant wife to let me go to all these classes. While I do have a brilliant wife, I do think that life is about compromise. We discusss and agree a week in advance when each is needed to be home and to do what. My wife understands why I train so much. Above all the best thing about doing classes or going cycling is that it definitely has improved my work-life balance; I have created break-points so that I can switch on and off better from the coalface, I can focus all my energy on my family when I am with them, my training when I doing that and the coalface when I am there. I know it's a cliché but training really has given me more energy than I ever had when I was a lazy, smoking coach potato.

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