Another one bites the dust....

A day of action , but not as much as I would have liked.
Sent Kev off to turn the 20 acres of wet oat straw to help it dry out a bit.
Once everything else was fed , baled up said oat straw and carted it next door where wee brother wrapped it like silage as it was just too damp to treat like straw, and it was threatening to rain. Had it all done by 3pm , just as a dirty big shower came on.
Went down the road to see how much straw they cut on Sunday. Turns out the whole 60 acre field is done, but not dry enough to bale yet after Monday’s wet day .
Came home via the away from home cattle. Moved one lot of 15 cows with calves to another field as the grass was better than the one they were in.
The combine contractor rang tonight to say he had finished their own crops so he is free to come and cut ours. All we need now is some dry weather !

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