
By AnnieBScotland


Katie left to go back to London just before nooon. We had a good Scottish brunch with tattie scones before she left. It was lovely to have her here for a week, but am glad to get back to normal, ie quiet in the house! It was just like the teenage years, except that the friends who kept popping in brought children brandishing light sabres, babies or baby bumps with them!! Made lots of tea!!

Am trying to spend time on OU stuff. It is odd, John spends most of his free time on his hobbies, but because what he is doing is making things - at present patterns for traditional Clyde cleats for the yacht - it seems different than me just sitting on the couch reading stuff on a pc. Yet photography is my hobby, so why should it be any different? Yet it is. I think it is just that I find it difficult taking too much 'me' time. I need more practice!!

So after an hour of reading I took myself off to the loch late this afternoon and took loads of swans, ducks and gulls, even took bread to cause a feeding frenzy that I could shoot on burst mode, but the light was flat, no sign of an interesting dusk, so drove down to New Lanark for a swim and sauna. The whole area around the approach road and car park are just smothered in leaves so stopped to try some more shots. In the end I realised I am probably one of the few people who has not yet blipped some autumn leaves so here they are.

There is a new tapas bar opened in town so we decided to try it. Not bad, the best thing is the tapas dessert - you choose three small ones from about 9, for a fiver. I had wee banoffee pie, apple crumble and coffee crème brulee, John had tiramisu, vanilla ice cream and cheesecake. Yummy!!

So now we are going to watch the grand prix highlights at 10. hope everyone has had a good weekend.

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