
By AnnieBScotland

The Cat in the...

new bed!

'The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house All that cold, cold, wet day'! (Dr Seuss must have been to Scotland)

I decided last week to treat our two aged Maine Coon cats, Daisy and Deli, to new beds. The have igloos, which Deli loves, and Daisy lies rather uncomfortably on the top of hers. So the new ones arrived today - rather fetching red and cream plaid with reversible bottom cushions.

put one for Daisy in her place, next to one radiator, gave the inside a quick burst of catnip spray and carried her over to it. The spray did the trick, before long she was in there licking it, and then got fully in and started to purr very loudly and roll about. As you can see it is a success.

Deli, on the other hand, wasn't fooled by the same trick and shot off to her other favourite spot, the spare bed. I have put the new bed in place of the igloo, but put the bottom cushion from the igloo in, with some spray. Hopefully she will investigate in good time and will take to it.

a cold, cold wet and windy day, so getting some chores and some keep fit classes in. looking forward to seeing what is happening around the country , and the world, in today's blips. I had planned to get the macro lens out again and have a go at some of the flowers that were brought for Katie but that will keep.

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