Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


...'Big fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em,
Little fleas have smaller fleas, and so ad infinitum'...
So the saying goes.
I witnessed this today (well, yesterday, owing to this being a backblip, for reasons mentioned yesterday).

A little ladybird larvae was making it's way along a leaf, and happened upon a small insect, which it gobbled up with no mean speed and agility.
(See extra!). As my lens was still focussed upon that little drama, a ladybird hove into view, 'lumbering' really, given its size. Then, in a pounce which made me jump, it leapt upon the little larvae and started to eat it. I could still see the smaller bug in the mouth of the larvae.

I had thought that the ladybird wouldn't eat one of its own, but (hence my remarks about harlequins yesterday), I wonder whether I have just witnessed the danger posed to our own ladybirds by harlequins?

It's a jungle out there :-/

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