Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


... They're tricksters aren't they, harlequins ?

We still have the builders in.

There is no connection between those above statements. :-/

After yesterdays blip I'm almost sorry to blip another harlequin today, however time is short.
A phone call this morning about a relative needing a visit to the emergency department threw me a little. (All is relatively, no pun intended, well, thank goodness). It's been a funny old week.

I continue to send my love to a dear and very poorly friend. She mentions seeing 'a lot of people' around her... I hope they're waiting to escort her, with a parade of honour, to a beautiful party.

The wine forecast is, I regret to say, all over the place.
As with all forecasts, sometimes there's certainty, sometimes it's all a bit changeable.. ?

Happy Friday anyway, Good Health to you One and All.

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