
It was 9am before the small people made an appearance this morning and between that and me managing to leave my fleece top  yesterday, we headed off to The Larder for breakfast. Bothe kids went for French Toast and bacon which was served with a generous slash or two of maple syrup. As you can see, it was deemed a delicious success.
We were the only customers today (probably because the website hasn't been updated with the new opening times. Despite this all 3 staff were heads down and getting on with stuff the whole time (as can be seen in the extras).

In the afternoon we went to the cinema, but due to a bit of a paddy from The Cygnet he and I did not go to the intended film with Squirrel and SWMBO but I suspect we got the better end of the deal.

Diner in the evening went down a storm with the kids and they both took themselves off for their baths at the allotted time and sat and read to us before heading off to bed without an argument.

Fingers crossed for another long lie tomorrow.

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