Love the Colour

Today was meant to be 'Operation Shelf' after finding myself a little Dresser top to go in the kitchen to store my ever growing collection of foody Jars but thanks to my stupidly annoying and oh so frustrating back injury, all I could manage was being taken to Homebase to collect a few colour charts so we can match it up with the existing kitchen cabinets.  

Mr W did suggest walking into town. Either he has absolutely no idea the pain I'm in or I'm being oh so brave and rarely moaning about my back (its definitely not the second one). I get it that a little bit of gentle exercise will probably help, but not walking a Royal Marines pace a mile and a half into town and back again when you can't even stand up straight - yet!!!!!!!

So I pottered in the garden, picked a few Sunflowers and lay back down!

Operation Shelf will have to wait. And so will the Exercise. And I suppose so will the diet. I guess looking Fat at 50 is looking more likely. I was hoping for more Fab then Fat but we can't always get what we want can we!!!!

Can someone move these Maltesers away from me please and put them on the floor! 

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