Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

First long walk

Prepared with band-aid on strategic places. :) I've walked shorter walks with them, but today I took the plunge with a longer one, and also jogged shorter parts of the road, just to get the feeling of how they are to jog in. Great, is the word!! My hip still bothers me, so I didn't do longer stretches jogging, just some tests, but I must admit it was great to jog again!
My weekend has been filled with latin studies (not the language per se, but it's language and cultural legacy) and the paper I'm writing is coming along rather well. I had hoped to finished it by now, but still have some things to with it. It'll be finished this week though. And as there was some ice cream involved during the weekend, I'll have to walk a bit more this week... we'll all been there, right?? :)

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