Craig's Journal

By Fishingplus

Moonrise in Western Sierra

Although only a sliver of a moon, the moonrise with the last rays of sun was great. One of the nice things about being in the mountains at 3,000 feet is that the stars cape is spectacular - none of the city lights to drown them out, and with clear air (the smoke from the fires appears to have cleared out) the lights really sparkle. WE have enjoyed our place in Arnold since 2002, and with the amount of rain and snow the last couple years, the trees, shrubs and grasses have really put on a growth spurt. We are praying for another wet winter to overcome several years of drought conditions.

The longest lens I have for my Leica is a 75mm to 200mm zoom, not quite long enough to get the details of the moon. And I did not have my tripod handy, so this is the steadiest hand I could muster.

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