First day of school

Yay Alexander’s long awaited first day finally arrived. I’ve been worried that he was going to be really upset. Any previous changes at nursery have always really bothered him and we would be in for a few unsettled weeks. He’s been concerned all summer and knew this day was approaching. We’ve had a few tears but we have talked to him everyday about how much he’s going to love School. I drew little hearts on both our wrists this morning so if he got worried at school he could look at his and remember mummy loves him.

This morning we dropped Phoebe at normal time and then Alexander was due to start after lunch. He got in his uniform and we took pictures and made our way round. We were there slightly early but this gave us chance to talk to some other parents and children. When the gates were opened Alexander confidently walked though. His teacher met us at the door, said her hellos and then led him in without a even a whimper. I actually asked for a second so I could give him a kiss, he would’ve walked straight in!

2 hours and twenty minutes later it was time to collect him. I asked him how he got on and he said “I loved it too much! Can I go again tomorrow?” Well that just says it all. The worrying was all for nothing. He’s done me proud. My baby boy is all grown up. Now that first day is over I just know he’s going to thrive at school.

When we got home he opened his little pressie and both he and Phoebe had a doughnut. Then we had lots of calls and texts from friends and family asking how he got on.

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