Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Mummy Xander day

Xander wasn’t at school today so this was officially our last day full day together. I told him we could go wherever he wanted and do whatever he wanted....what did choose? (without even a moments hesitation)....the station of course to watch trains!

We went after dropping Pheebs off and a quick trip to Asda to get her some new trousers for school. Apparently pinafores are much to babyish now.

We spent over an hour nipping between the 7 platforms to see the best trains. I got myself a coffee and it was actually rather good fun sitting in the sun watching the world go by.

After lunch we went out again to the park. We had great fun pretending to be pirates fighting off killer sharks and going in rockets to the moon.

This evening Pheebs has her second gymnastics lesson. She did really well and despite not being quite a confident as the other girls, she gave it her all and aced the trampoline!

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