Wet wet wet
After a hot, stuffy day indoors wading through GDPR nonsense, I was delighted when the kids agreed to come for an early evening walk with me (meant they helped taking the bins up to the village too - double win).
So we strolled, and took bets on when the distant thunder would eventually turn into rain on our heads. CarbBoy won - it was indeed 2 minutes from the car! (2 giggly and - unwisely for my poor toe - jogging minutes.) But sadly, very many minutes from my washing on the line at home. I may need to revisit my clothing choices for my trip away tomorrow....
Earlier there was shopping with the kids for them to choose their meals while I’m away (two nights, but three dinners - including to TallGirl’s horror a community meal). I took them to the fancy freezer shop so they will eat well, if not super-healthily.
Hopefully the flight tomorrow will give me a chance to finish my current book (Milkman). I made a very-late-in-the-day decision to try and read all the Booker nominees, but this is only number two, so I fear I may miss the deadline. (Though if I’m lucky the ones I've already read will be on the shortlist!) A longer term goal is to read all the Pulitzer Prize winning novels since I was born which, despite how old I feel just now, will not take too long! (Mainly because I was surprised to learn - despite my supposed dislike for American novels - I’ve read (and loved) plenty of the winners already!)
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