CarbBoy is a modest chap. Never one to blow his own trumpet. So when he says he’s done some drawings that he thinks are ‘quite good’ we pay attention. For a first go at drawing hands (he did four) I think they are rather good, though I accept there is a chance that I am biased.
Earlier, a very early trip to the airport with Mr (very poorly with flu) B. First hurdle was that he forgot his wallet, so I hastened back to hand over my spare card and some cash. Second hurdle: flight cancelled. He managed to find space on the next one. Why Easyjet couldn’t have messaged him that news so we didn’t have to leave the house at 5.15am I do not know... Third hurdle: just generally having flu.
Meanwhile, for me, work happened. Research was done on a possible source for nail gun nails, and a bigger nail gun for hire was located.
Later, meeting at school was proceeding in its mildly interesting, leisurely way until a latecomer arrived and detonated a gossip/bitchiness bomb that set everyone off. Me and my treasurer colleague just shrugged and kept out of it.
Pizza, well-drawn hands, and now bed is beckoning with a stronger voice than the voice telling me to get caught up with backblips. Am very exhausted from an hour on the phone with my mam.
Too hot today.
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