Bouquet from my ......

...... Bestie !!
Last night "C" and I went to see this really funny Shakespeare play , The Merry Wives of Windsor, we both had lots of laughs and appreciated the writings of the Bard .
Today started quite nippy but improved as the day went on , tho' the sun had shone all day I've felt chilly cos' for some reason I don't feel too well. Saw GP this am for the new meds prescription . I'm trying 1 week first in case there are side effects, dizziness being one! ( don't like the sound of that much!!!).
I think I'll take my " bed" to the Everyman cinema at Oxted ! I went down to get tickets for my daughter and her husband , that's three times in as many days.
Came home did some washing , hopefully it will dry. Then the chemist where I was given ( advise) instructions on how to take the meds. But would you believe NO leaflet with notification of possible side effects!! It's ok I have a little knowledge/ common sense and had already been told how and when to take same also what to look out for, and of course internet access . But what about those who hadn't . I think it's all about ticking box's never mind the basic's, hey ho that's life I recon .

Gratefully ..... for beautiful fresh flowers and a great GP , kind , considerate and explains your treatment to the letter.

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