
By CharlotteJ


Whoops, guess I better get these cobwebs down before Mum arrives!! Just slightly off picture is a spider hanging on for dear life so I decided the removal could wait a while after all he/she is happy so why disturbed the happy cohabitating ???

A nice surprise my phone bleeped at me and I nearly fell off my was a voicemail from my Dad, sounds normal I know but not for my dad as he's not used the phone for over two years let alone have the confidence to leave me a message. I am going to share the message with you:-
Dad: Hello darling, my baby girl, its erm me dad, erm yes, erm I know you are busy, erm love you, erm about your Mum, erm yes, erm chat soon.
So I called back and dad answers (also a first in two years) and before I could say anything:
Dad: yes its me, erm dad....
Me: Hey dad, its me! You OK?
Dad: Oh its girl. Now about Christmas I want to get your mum something for hands.
Me: OK how about a nail varnish?
Dad: No for neck
I realise its guess what dad means game!
Me: Erm, her favourite face cream?
Dad: No silly, something pretty
Me: Oh a necklace
Dad: yes a 'lace but in blue and can you wrap it please so it's a surprise for us both!!
Not sure if he means a necklace but we are going to work with that!!
He amazes me every day.....I'm so proud that his my dad. He is different but he's still my dad

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