An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

So many scarves...

Backblipped 14.09.18
A busy but fruitful day.
We went out for lunch with LJ and Derek at our favourite local Italian Deli.  Great food as ever and a great catch up.  
Got home at 3pm and I went upstairs to continue the clear out and sorting of our wardrobe.  David had a clear out of his area earlier in the week so I have gained extra space, which is great!   
After having another check through, being very ruthless, I removed even more items into the virtually brand new but I know I will never wear it again pile before starting on my handbags.  I really did have no idea that I had so many.  I was ruthless with them too and it seemed to take forever to go through each one, ensuring it was empty, which was in interesting exercise as I discovered that all the handbags I own have something in common; they all contain the same four items - a pen, a small note pad, a pack of tissues and some paracetamol! 
The note pad and pen thing goes back to my working days when it was always important to have them in your bag.  Well with many impromptu work nights out, someone had to have a way of recording the drinks order to ensure no one was forgotten when a colleague went to the bar!  :-))
Of course once Alan was born, it was used to take notes at meetings with paediatricians, physios, Speech Therapists, dieticians etc etc etc or jot down phone numbers of mums I would meet at clinics and get chatting too.  These days it's used to note tasks for the ever expanding list of To Do's!  
The tissues feature because on our honeymoon many years ago, we went on an official tour of Blenheim Palace.  Half way round I had a nose bleed but didn't have any tissues.  David had one paper hanky folded neatly in his trouser pocket (he mum brought him up to be prepared! :-) but it didn't stem the flow!  I will always remember the utter panic on the tour guide's face as I put my hands over my nose and mouth and blood started to seep thorough my fingers.  It would be a lie if I said that in my panic I didn't think about grabbing the nearest curtain, and I think she sensed that.
"Hankies!  Hankies!  Does anyone have a hanky?!!"  she shrieked. Thankfully a kind old lady (probably about the age I am now!  lol) rummaged in her bag and found a packet of Handy Andies and pulled them out the pack one by one, thrusting them into my hand, and thereby saving the priceless gold brocade curtain but not my blushes.
Since then, I have always had a pack of tissues in my bag.  The painkillers,  I think, are self explanatory.
Sorry, I digress!
Five hours later my wardrobe was a triumph. Handbags now sorted and a row of bin bags ready for the charity shop or tip.  All that was left to tackle was the mountain of scarves but I had lost the will to live at that point.  I also realised I didn't have a blip and didn't have the energy to seek one out, so quickly took a phone shot of the scarf pile.
Now if I tell you that this pile of scarves is just the pile that was in the boot room, and that there’s a similar number of scarves hanging in our downstairs cloakroom, and two scarf hangers full of scarves in the coat cupboard in the hall along with a giant Ikea storage box, full of scarves, would you be surprised to learn I have a bit of an obsession with scarves? 
For some women it’s shoes, or handbags, or nail polish, or whatever.  For me it’s scarves.  
So the final step in my autumnal clear out is the scarves and I am going to be ruthless with them too, but readily admit it will break my heart to part with any of them!
In order to begin the cull, the rest of them will be brought upstairs at the weekend and for the first time ever, I will count them.  That should be interesting!
Ele bought me a little plaque last year that says So many scarves, so little time and that is exactly what I thought as I looked at this pile and gave a little sigh.


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