Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Blipland's Sunday Inspiration

I started my Sunday morning looking at a wonderful blip of a beautiful church. I'd love to hear the pipe organ that is in that church. When I travel, I love stopping into churches, especially old churches, to look at the architecture. When I was a youngster I had the good fortune of occasionally going with Grammie Teele to her Episcopal church. They had candles, and flowers, and bells, and incense, and the priest wore long flowing robes. It was full of pageantry and ceremony. I loved it and was enthralled with the entire experience.

So as I prepared to go to church this morning, I packed my cheapie camera with my purse, cell-phone, Bible, and lipstick. Our little church is not old, well the building is almost 50 years old, but not old in the finest sense of the word. So there is nothing ornate or antique or magnificent or serene.

However, the people at this little church bring an exuberance and energy into the building as they begin to arrive and then the whole place bursts into praise singing. The next 75 to 80 minutes is a celebration and much of it is enhanced by the music team, the pastor, and those who give the communion and offering devotions.

The photo above with wires and microphones and music stands everywhere looks more like an open mic night at a local coffee house or pub . . . and believe it or not, I can say without any reservation that this place is just as friendly.

Eight of the 12 people on the music team are visible--you can barely see the drummer and bass player (you cannot see the pianist, organist, sound guy, or computer operator). Their ages range from high school kids all the way to people 60+ years old--quite diverse.

This morning during the offering, the organist just "rocked" the place with an old hymn and all the stops pulled out. Even our senior citizens liked it. The team mostly plays lots of contemporary lively music.

I wish you could hear the music that I get to hear. I wish you could know the people at this little church. They are all wonderful. And then the bonus this morning: the preacher used the theme from what I blipped yesterday for his sermon title and topic. Wow . . . he's looking at and reading my blip! That means he is looking at yours too.

Well, that's it from Southern California this Sunday evening. And we're thankful that it is still raining.

Rosie, aka Carol

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