La Verna

It almost seems a sacrilege to Blip a group of nuns visiting the sacred San Franciscan sanctuary at La Verna. But their excitement and photo-taking was infectious. And when they asked me to a take a group photo of them on one of their mobiles it felt a friendly and welcoming gesture. So here they are as I continued on my way out of the grotto where St Francis is thought to have meditated.

It was an amazing day and we have a lovely drive with K and J through steep winding roads. We saw sheep protected by five Belle and Sebastian type dogs against wolves. They were with the sheep without a shepherd and moved off with the flock (see extra). And then whilst admiring a sweeping view over the Casentino valley network a long line of bikers descended the hill on some kind of guided ride. They were very friendly. And a nice lunch at the Albergo Di La Verna with Magda and her daughter the chef.

A last evening and bbq before our visitors leave.

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