
By cakescakescakes

Madeira Cake

I know it's not Madeira cake but it was going to be.
Don't worry the cake has been made, tasted and safely stored in a tin so my boys are not cakeless. It was even photographed but today's blip has to be Bruce and his sore paw.
We noticed a bit of a hobble from Bruce last night and on closer inspection he seems to have a nasty blister on his paw which is obviously sore to walk on. He used to suffer from these a few years ago until he was put on a gluten free diet by the vet and ever since then we've had no problem. The midnight forays into biscuit tins however seems to have caused a bit of a flare up. Strict adherence to the diet is obviously required!
Anyway he's a bit of sad boy today and offers his paw up looking for sympathy at every opportunity and so he's my blip. Poor Brucie boy!

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