Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

a little early

We took the advantage of an ACTUAL day off together to do some early Christmas browsing.

In dim grey and a little rainy light, we set off to Bury St Edmonds. The thought of some shops that weren't your usual inspired us to hope....not as promising as we thought!

It is so hard to think of what little things you can get for your family and friends when we have all worked so hard and gotten so much....aren't we the lucky ones.

Now that money is tight it seems even harder to get something nice without ruining yourself...

We strolled around, looked at this and that and then headed back home for a late lunch. On the way home the car felt strange and after a few on road tests I thought that the tracking was out....stopped at the tyre place....GREAT!!!!!! two new tyres needed and rebalancing! Brilliant...thats the Christmas money spent!

Oh well....that means that I will be running around like a mad thing in December then, so much for getting started early....however, it was a delightful day just to be with my lovely Lady....and the walk in the ruins of the Abbey was smashing.

(thank goodness for credit cards!!)

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