Brown rice
Turns out that when you say to a teenager who has kindly agreed to make dinner “so, you definitely know how to cook rice, yeah?”, you should not take “duh, yeah!” <eye roll> as the end of the matter. Helpfully it is the pan that she already wrecked with an unwise oil-free popcorn experiment a few months ago (there was pasta and potatoes in the fridge, so we were fine)..
Earlier, work on many fronts, killing mushrooms, seeing a man about wood (not a euphemism). Much political chat with TallGirl, who despairs at my antediluvian views on trans politics. My homework is to find a better way of explaining why I feel irked about the whole feminism - trans thing. And we bullied CarbBoy into saying he’s a feminist, which feels like a step in a direction. Not sure which one.
Now, sofa cushion making. Soon, more Booker homework. And to reflect on how - without realising I’d done that - the first four books I have chosen are all by women.
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