I wish . . .

I wish there were a few of these flowers in my garden but alas Florence took all the flowers with her when she left.

I have done very little today other than check with both my neighbours that they were continuing to fair well.

With the major part of all the stress over for me, I think my body said “ Okay, I can take care of me now” and it shut down. I have had a migraine all day and didn’t want to take the medication for it as it knocks me out and I was home alone. I was also exhausted so have read and napped all day.

This evening with Kent home, I’ve taken my migraine medicine and feel much better. Have booted up my computer so that tomorrow I can get my Canon Rebel out for taking my blip.

Hope tomorrow is a better day so I can visit you all on-line. Thanks my wonderful blipmates for helping to keep me sane through Hurricane Florence. ❤️

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