Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Not that camera again

That's what that look says, although she knows I blipped W yesterday and therefore was more than happy to pose really.

My first and last child free day free of real plans. Not very exciting though as after an hour with reception I had an assignment to finish and housework to catch up on. The mountain of ironing was taking on Himalaya like properties and called for some Dr. Who just to get through it.

Picked up C from school, she was unusually talkative on the way home. Read her book swiftly and really well and then wrote her show and tell for Thursday on memories of all things.

Three sleeps to Center Parcs but so much to do before: Parent forum, Supporters course in Harlow as I am missing mine in St. Evenage on Friday. A food shop, a trip to London for W to complete his part in the EAT study at the Evelina and oh yes some packing. Better get cracking.

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