a new year!

By Thesalh70

a sweet n' sour kind of day.....

decent sleep, but worried that other than being stuck in traffic for ages, i'm not seeing a decent amount of daylight these days!

a better journey into work this morning. in by 9am and then off at 10am to charity meeting. dashed back to office, then back out again to go and pay the balance for our chrimbo do at the Albert Hall! 24 bottles of vino ordered....how long on 14th Dec til someone asks...'have we got anymore wine!!'

back to office, and a good afternoons work. decided to work a bit later in the office, and avoid crappy traffic....only to receive a call from Mr Pick to advise that it's lights out/power cut in Nuthall!!! ahhhhhhhhggggghhhhh.

left office at 6pm and dodged and weeved through Nottingham outwards towards Hucknall, avoiding all the J26 issues. home by 7pm and then cooking tea (rather disappointingly for me, i'd promised myself a chip shop tea if i was later than7pm!). so as i was home by 7, it's tuna steak, asparagus, poached egg, and a tomato/chorizo sauce.

as the tuna was just about perfect, i chopped a lemon in half and squeezed the juice into the pan. delicious! my blip is of the other half of the lemon!!

had a belated birthday card today too.....from 'alex h'!!! loved it!!

watching masterchef now, before bed and the beginning of 2 days in Brum.....

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