Primula Rainie Style (Kinda) ...Good News &.....

The pics you wanted to see.

The first extra is called the 'Big Blue'...the finalist in the comp the other is
'The annoying Ladybird' that was the one that got picked for the mag...if you want to flip through the mag here is the link..there are some fabby artists in there ...(oh you might have to cop and paste I'm rubbish at creating links)

Now to some good news ...well for me anyway. Last week I booked my ticket to NZ...I'm gonna hang out with Rainie for a bit....(and of course Doug)......we are gonna get creative and take lots of pics...hence the Rainie style blip.
I'm very excited to be getting out of dodge for a bit........I have a few weeks yet to pack my bag and get things in order...Happy Days.

S**T I just tried the link and it worked..wonders will never cease.

And HUGE thank you to you BikerBear for your continuing to host FF.

“You should never hesitate to trade your cow for a handful of magic beans.”
Tom Robbins

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