Gitama's World

By Gitama

A Day Out and a Mammoth Task

Beetle and I took off for the just drive around the area take pics and have a play in the park.
The landscape has changed..a lot...since the sugar cane is being harvested.
The house with the green roof is now visible....the crows and egrets are pecking at the furrowed earth for grubs and seed and there were some mighty fine clouds in the sky.

When I drive around I often look at things and make a mental note to come back when I have more time. What I tend to forget is that the light changes and what looked alive and popped out of the landscape is now flat and almost invisible....even if you go back at a similar time when the sun is more or less in the same’s different........ergo...strike while the irons hot ...or should I say when the light is right. anyway there wasn’t any special light today when I was out ...just thoughts and observations.

The mammoth task is trying to take pics of birds when Beetle is around...after he terrorised some bin chickens (Ibis) he is on a roll.
Anyway despite the rambunctious hound up in the trees I found some sweet galahs and this other little bird...I don’t know what he is but he really has a most gorgeous little face...I had to post him and the two love birds as the extra.

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