Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

my brain hurts!

I slept in today and managed to miss my pottery class which is crap :o( and then the day pretty much went downhill from there!
I have spent hours trying to work out our Council Tax and it just seems to get more confusing instead of less so. Everytime I think I've reached the end I get another letter which throws all previous calculations out again.
I'm not even going to try and explain what the problem is because I'm really only half way through understanding it! I decided that I had to get out of the house for some air before my head exploded (would make an interesting blip tho...) so I went to the most wonderfully de-stressing place I could think of - John Lewis. I know it sounds really weird, but just wandering around John Lewis looking at pretty sparkly things always makes me feel really calm, I kind of zone out. Spent a very happy 20 minutes just selecting lovely buttons to put on a scarf I've been knitting.
So todays blip isn't very exciting - but it is quite calming :o)

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