Its the same every year

Select the new seeds just before Christmas

In January/February check through last years seeds, add in the new ones and realise that you have far too many varieties

In March ignore the fact you have too many varieties and plant out 10 seeds of each type in cell blocks. Try and fit far too many cell blocks on bedroom window ledges. Fail and look for other suitable sites.

In April (or earlier) get excited when the seeds sprout and a lot of new plants start to grow

In May try and find enough pots to grow on all these seedlings.Buy more potting compost. Water a lot

In June do the same but with larger pots. Water more. Buy even more potting compost

In July get excited as the plants grow and flower and then get very excited as the first Tomatoes appear. Water and fertilize daily

In August wait with baited breath for the first ripe tomato to be ready to eat. Water all day

In early September be excited as more tomatoes  ripen and can be harvested. Water 

By late September (or now, as it is the 21st September) you realise you have so many tomatoes you are likely to die in a tomato avalanche. You have lots of tomato soup, tomato sauce,chutney and probably tomato toffee and tomato bath bombs. Loose friends as you force large bags of tomatoes on them whenever you see them. Stop watering ,watch the plants carefully hoping they will stop producing or develop blight.

In October and November remember you do not need to order any more tomato seeds as you still have lots.

In December forget all of above and start looking at seed company books. 

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