All that's left

1 solitary 30mg cocodamol. I have 15mg in ample supply, but right now they aren't going to do the business. Fortunately, I do have some diclofenac, so...

Tonight I need them. I hurt in unimaginable places and ways. I am also angry. Not sure who to be angry at right now...wondering if it should be me, whether I have missed something, somewhere in the last 12 months. I don't know. This evening, the blackness has descended and there's nothing I seem to be able to do about it.

At least the two practical science lessons went without a hitch today. Good news. Am hoping that Fisherking now thinks I can be a real science teacher.

I do know that I shouldn't be worrying about goalposts that move of their own accord. I do know that it's going to be a slog to get to Christmas. I feel no guilt anymore, I just need the operation date to come through, as soon as possible. Everything else is just going to have to be picked up by everyone else. I have done it enough times for others, I guess its about time I let others do it for me.

"Because nothing motivates people like setting a goal, reaching that goal and then being told it's not good enough"

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